
Coming of the helper (John 14:15-21) 150 150 Dale Winslow

Coming of the helper (John 14:15-21)

Jesus answers the Disciples questions (john 14:1-14) 150 150 Dale Winslow

Jesus answers the Disciples questions (john 14:1-14)

Suffering and Righteousness (1 Peter 2:19-25) 150 150 Dale Winslow

Suffering and Righteousness (1 Peter 2:19-25)

Road to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35) 150 150 Dale Winslow

Road to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35)

In the shadow of Death (1 Peter 1:1-9) 150 150 Dale Winslow

In the shadow of Death (1 Peter 1:1-9)

Easter Sunday (Mark 16:1-8) 150 150 Dale Winslow

Easter Sunday (Mark 16:1-8)

Palm Sunday (John 21:1-11) 150 150 Dale Winslow

Palm Sunday (John 21:1-11)

Glorify God (John 11:1-45) 150 150 Dale Winslow

Glorify God (John 11:1-45)

For his name’s Sake (John 9:1-41) 150 150 Dale Winslow

For his name’s Sake (John 9:1-41)

Dark Times (John 4:1-42) 150 150 Dale Winslow

Dark Times (John 4:1-42)